The PCC Continuing Education Committee is a vibrant, collegial group of volunteer psychoanalysts working to develop the most compelling and useful psychoanalytic continuing education program in the Los Angeles area. Bringing speakers from all over the world as well as from our own backyard, we seek to enliven and deepen the clinical skills of all those who participate in our conferences. Each year, we offer the Annual Melanie Klein Lectureship and the Annual Wilfred Bion Conference. In addition to these cornerstone events, we offer additional conferences based on the needs and interests of our community. Recently invited speakers have included Guiseppe Civitarese, Margot Waddell, Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Mark Solms, Clara Nemas, Bjorn Salomonsson, Catalina Bronstein, Didier Houzel, John Steiner, Irma Brenman Pick, Anne Alvarez, Rudi Vermote, Meg Harris Williams, Ofra Eshel, Mark Howard, and Becky Hall.
The PCC is accredited by the California Medical Association (CMA) to provide continuing medical education for physicians; by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to provide continuing education for licensed social workers and marriage and family therapists; and by the California Board of Registered Nursing to provide continuing education for registered nurses. We also offer continuing education credit to licensed psychologists through our accreditation with the CMA.
Along with the California Medical Association (CMA), the Psychoanalytic Center of California believes cultural and linguistic competencies are essential to providing quality and accessible care, and also acknowledges that society has embedded and endemic structural racism and biases that affect the care that an individual receives. Here is a helpful resource to guide our thinking about these important matters. To learn more about California’s legislative efforts to incorporate these competencies into continuing medical education, see AB1195 and AB241