As the co-chairs of the Continuing Education Committee, we want to wish you much psychoanalytic learning in 2023!

Our first event of the year will be held virtually on Saturday, February 11th, 9 am to noon. It is co-sponsored by the Infant Observation Committee and features PCC member Persila Conversano and the British psychotherapist Dr. Janine Sternberg. Dr. Sternberg is a down to earth psychotherapist originally trained at the Tavistock Clinic. Her passion for Infant Observation has sustained more than 40 years of experience in teaching and supervising. Her research and writings provide live examples of using countertransference in facilitating emotional contact with our patients, both children and adults.

Learn more and register here 

Also, please save the date for a conference with Israeli psychoanalyst Dana Amir, Saturday March 4th, 9 am to noon. Dr. Amir will be presenting her work on psychoanalytic understanding of traumatic memories.

We look forward to seeing you soon! Philip Lance and Leigh Tobias