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On the Nature of Transference Interpretation and Why only it Can Bring about Analytic Change: A Kleinian Perspective Grounded in Freud with Professor Rachel Blass and Dr. Jennifer Kunst

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Professor Rachel Blass has published seminal papers on Kleinian theory and practice. Aware of the concerns as well as interest around certain Kleinian ideas, she outlines and develops the meaning of such analytic inquiries as the meaning of the dream, the desire for knowledge, doubt and conviction, the role of repetition, psychoanalytic ethics and morality. She develops her ideas grounded in theory and with arguments for and against her thoughts presented clearly and poignantly. She has an active analytic practice as well as a long teaching career in universities and analytic societies.
During the first half of our program, Dr. Blass will read a paper titled “On the nature of transference interpretation and why only it can bring about analytic change: A Kleinian perspective grounded in Freud” During the second half of the program, PCC member Jennifer Kunst will interview Dr. Blass about an article she wrote titled “The teaching of Klein: some guidelines for opening students to the heart of Kleinian thinking and practice. Learn more.

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