CE Conference with Avner Bergstein
CE Conference with Avner Bergstein
In this seminar, psychoanalyst Avner Bergstein will present a paper, “Buried in the future which has not happened: Non-linear time, 'non-logic' and the ultimate reality of the session.” In this paper, leaning on Bion's writings, Bergstein emphasizes the close observation of the evolution of the emotional experience of the session as a way of approaching an infinitely complex and often unthinkable reality. This process extricates us from a hallucinatory grasp on the past and elaborates the capacity to tolerate the unknown and unknowable infinite stream towards the future. Hence, the work of analysis, as depicted in this paper, is not only revealing unconscious thoughts buried in the past, but also cultivating a psychically alive mind able to create and generate new thoughts, oriented toward the future and the unknown. Learn more.