Core Program Application FAQs

PCC does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, national or ethnic origin in its administration or educational policies, or in any other Institute-related program.

  • Download Application forms below, or call the PCC office at 310-478-4347
  • Completed applications are accepted until May 15th (1)
  • Information requested includes:
    • Applicant’s educational, professional, and clinical background
    • A written autobiography
    • A full-face photograph
  • Three letters of recommendation are required, including one from a Supervisor
  • A non-refundable application fee of $100 must accompany the application
  • There are 3 interviews with members of the Faculty, after initial determination of suitability
  • Applicants are evaluated on the basis of:
    • Previous training and experience
    • Motivation and mental capacity
    • Psychological mindedness and aptitude for psychoanalytic work
    • History of license revocation or illegal activities
  • Suitability and aptitude for psychoanalytic training cannot be fully determined during the Admissions process, and are reassessed at regular intervals throughout training

(1)When unusual circumstances prevail an applicant may contact the Chair of Admissions to ascertain whether an extension of the May 15th deadline might be granted.


Payment Instructions

Our on-line store is set up for you to enter your payment as an “additional PCC fee”. This allows you to enter the exact amount that you wish to pay PCC for your tuition, application, and other fees.  Pay Tuition or Application Fee